Celebrating Sensitivity

Embracing emotional release in the season of growth.

Hello! You’re reading Snuggery, a virtual postcard of cozy content capturing the fleeting beauty of the seasons. To join our cozy community, hit subscribe. Light a candle, grab a cuppa, and sit a spell. Stay awhile. ✉️

“What cannot be said will be wept.”

– Sappho (allegedly, but probably not)

from the hearth 💛

Dear friend,

Remember when we chatted about the literal showers of spring a few weeks ago? Well, now I’m dialed in on my own personal showers, the ones that flow from my eyes.

I cry most days, and usually more than once. Whether I’m practicing yoga, getting lost in the pages of a good book, floating in the ocean, or most recently, petting my cat, tears always seem to find their way to the surface.

And though it’s taken me years to navigate my sensitivity in a world that often feels overwhelming—to rein it in so that it doesn't feel like the end of days every time I accidentally step on an ant—I’ve also come to realize that my sensitivity is not always a weakness, but a profound strength that not everyone possesses.

Because of my sensitivity, I feel pain when many do not. But this pain allows me to see and appreciate beauty in ways that others might miss. It empowers me to create art that moves, to empathize deeply with those around me, to forge connections that transcend words.

I’ve reached a point where I am no longer ashamed of my tears; instead, I celebrate them as a testament to my ability to feel deeply and authentically. So today’s postcard is a celebration—not just of my sensitivity, but of yours, too, if you’re fortunate enough to share in this gift.

🐝 seasonal selections 🐝

  • I recently watched Beautiful Boy starring Timothée Chalamet and Steve Carell, and I thought it was, well, beautiful. It’s a raw, heart-wrenching portrayal of how mental illness and addiction can derail even the most promising of lives (imo, similar to The Bell Jar, in that sense). Only watch if you’re prepared to weep.

  • Hello Beautiful by Ann Napolitano is one of those rare gems that grabbed hold of my heart from the very first page. It delves into themes of sisterhood, forgiveness, loss, and love, and I cried throughout the entire book.

  • If you haven’t cried in a while and need a good emotional release, try this trauma-informed hip-opening yoga. It’s soulful and soothing, and can work wonders for emotions stored in the body.

  • Exploring the unconscious aspects of ourselves can be one of the most powerful ways to release pent-up emotions. Try following this step-by-step shadow work ritual for a solid release. It’s a transformative practice that allows you to confront and release unresolved issues, leading to profound healing and personal growth.

🐣 spectacular vernacular 🐣

lachrymose [LAK-ruh-mohs] (adj.) • Latin

  1. given to shedding tears easily; tearful

  2. tear-inducing; sad

The lachrymose melody of the violin echoed throughout the room, stirring emotions that had long been suppressed.

🌼 cozy conversations 🌼

What’s a recent book, movie, or activity that moved you to tears, and why do you think it resonated with you on such a deep level?

Thanks for reading, and I do hope you have the snuggest of Thursdays. I’m tryin’ out a new sushi spot this weekend!

Until next week, stay cozy.

With warmth and whimsy,

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