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  • A Time for Quiet Reflection

A Time for Quiet Reflection

Joyous journaling, pumpkin spice creamer, and more.

Hello! You’re reading Snuggery, a virtual postcard of cozy content capturing the fleeting beauty of the seasons. To join our cozy community, hit subscribe. Light a candle, grab a cuppa, and sit a spell. Stay awhile. ✉️

Before we dive into the cozy goodness, a quick heads up: I’m still ironing out a few details, so you might notice a slight difference in how this postcard appears on mobile compared to desktop. Thanks for your patience as I fine-tune things! Now, on to the snug stuff…

“Delicious autumn! My very soul is wedded to it, and if I were a bird I would fly about the earth seeking the successive autumns.”

George Elliot (Letter to Miss Lewis, October 1, 1841)

🪵 From the Hearth 🪵

Dear friend,

Though I’ve been celebrating the season for weeks, Saturday is the first official day of autumn. And while Florida weather is still hot as Hell, my dish towels are pumpkin-printed, my flannel pajamas are ready to be worn, and my Witches Brew is almost finished fermenting (read last week’s postcard to learn about Witches Brew).

As the days get cooler and the leaves embark on their deliberate, deciduous deaths, I always become much more meditative and move with a greater sense of ease. I cook warmer meals, write deeper entries, and take longer walks.

By spending time partaking in mindful activities, a natural shift toward introspection starts to stir inside my soul, and I begin asking the hard-hitting questions:

What pieces of myself can I let go of that no longer serve me?

Who will I become when, like the leaves, those pieces turn brown and wither away?

While self-reflection isn’t always the most comfortable of practices, it allows us to clean out the cognitive cobwebs and make way for profound transformation.

As we embrace the changing of the seasons, so too should we embrace the opportunity for inner growth and renewal. Let us grab a metaphorical dustcloth and clear out the clutter together.

🍂 Seasonal Selections 🍂

  • I’ve been loving these monthly journal prompts by @zoecwaikel on Pinterest. Logging my days can sometimes feel repetitive, and I’m not always in the mood to free-write, so they’re perfect for those times when I just can’t be bothered. The prompts are unique and non-redundant, and I love how they get me in the spirit of each season. I’m no longer in school, so I usually just replace the school-related questions with relevant work or personal prompts.

  • And speaking of journaling, this mindfulness journal by Intelligent Change is ridiculously beautiful and autumnal. I haven’t gotten my hands on it yet, but it’s sitting in my cart, just waiting to be purchased…

  • Love pumpkin spice but trying to stay healthy over the holidays? This dairy-free, sugar-free coffee creamer is my absolute favorite. I definitely have a sweet tooth, so I usually add some stevia to mine and it’s good to go!

☕️ What’s Been Brewing ☕️

  • Grab your favorite warm beverage and cozy up for a reassuring read! In my recent article for The Ethicalist Magazine, I take you on a journey through the enchanting world of sustainable fashion, but with a vintage twist. Discover why vintage is becoming the embodiment of eco-friendly style, perfect for the season of snug sweaters and aromatic tea. Read the full article here. *If you’d like to join the conversation, reply to this postcard with sustainable style thoughts, vintage finds, or any cozy fashion tips. Your insights are like a warm hug for our community.*

📙 Spectacular Vernacular 📙

Rudeneja [ROO-den-Ay-HA] (v.)

  1. a Lithuanian word used to describe the weather as it begins to feel autumnal

The second I stepped outside, an overwhelming sense of serenity enveloped my senses, the late September air rich with rudeneja.

🤎 Cozy Conversations 🤎

Where do you live? Does it feel rudenejous yet? Respond to this postcard and tell me all about the weather in your area for a chance to be featured in next week’s postcard.

A Reader’s Snuggery:

“My snuggery lies in a juxtaposition of hardwood floors / moody weather and soft cozy blankets / a crackling wood fire. It smells like pine, crisp leaves, fresh rain and apples. The yellow glow from the fireplace wraps the whole room in an oscillating hug, while I read a book to the sound of the rain lightly drumming the roof.”

Thank you for sharing, @hot_diggidydawgs! Your snuggery sounds superb.

Thanks for reading, and I do hope you have the snuggest of Thursdays.

My weekend plans: cook taco soup, buy a new book, and cuddle my kitty.

Until next week, stay cozy.

With warmth and whimsy,

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