Winter's Whispers

Finding sunshine in unexpected places.

Hello! You’re reading Snuggery, a virtual postcard of cozy content capturing the fleeting beauty of the seasons. To join our cozy community, hit subscribe. Light a candle, grab a cuppa, and sit a spell. Stay awhile. ✉️

“She could not fathom the hexagonal miracle of snowflakes formed from clouds, crystallized fern and feather that tumble down to light on a coat sleeve, white stars melting even as they strike. How did such force and beauty come to be in something so small and fleeting and unknowable? You did not have to understand miracles to believe in them…”

– Eowyn Ivey, The Snow Child

🤍 from the hearth 🤍

Dearest reader,

While autumn is the season of my soul, winter is a close second. I won’t truly experience its icy chill this year (hello from Florida), but fortunately, the season’s magic extends beyond mittens and mist.

I find reminders of winter’s harsh beauty all around me, all the time. Whether it’s a stranger’s icy blue eyes or the sweet smell of cinnamon-spiced shortbread cookies, there’s a peculiar appeal in discovering echoes of the season in unexpected places. Even in the sun-soaked south, the spirit of winter can find a home.

Today, I hope you find a virtual home within the confines of this perennial postcard. May it wrap around you like the coziest of blankets, offering some respite from the world’s hustle and bustle. I trust you’ll find comfort in the seasonal snapshots and wintry whispers I’ve woven into each section. Happy, happy holidays.

☃️ seasonal selections ☃️

  • The Snow Child juxtaposes the harsh, often tragic realities of Alaskan homesteading with the delicate and ethereal allure of fairytale magic. It’s equal parts harrowing and beautiful, and easily my favorite winter read.

  • While wandering about the grocery store the other day, I heard this remix of my favorite winter song (“I’ve Got My Love to Keep Me Warm”—Kay Starr’s version, of course) and was instantly delighted. It’s so fun.

  • These ethically created bow earrings are sweet and unique and perfect for the holiday season (pretty inexpensive, too). Here’s the matching necklace.

  • In these often horrifying times, Molly Fisk’s “Winter Sun” fills me with so much hope and love. Reading it makes me feel happy to be human, proud of our ability to “make do with so little, just the hint / of warmth, the slanted light.”

  • I know I promised a holiday fashion piece last week, but I’m still waiting for my editor to publish it. The article should be ready any day now, so it will likely be in next week’s postcard.

* FYI: You may have noticed that there’s no longer a ‘what’s been brewing’ section; I’ve decided to combine that section with this one, as I don’t always have relevant pieces of my own work to share each week.

🌬 spectacular vernacular 🌬

apricty [a-PRIS-i-tee] (n.) • Latin

  1. the warmth or light of the sun on a cold winter day

The cat never ventured far from the window, basking in its apricty from dawn til dusk.

🌨 cozy conversations 🌨

As we explore the unexpected charm of winter’s presence in the most unlikely corners, let’s share a bit of sunshine. What’s your favorite spot to soak in the winter sunlight, whether it’s a cozy nook at home or an unexpected outdoor hideaway? How does that warm touch of apricity make your winter days brighter?

Thanks for reading, and I do hope you enjoyed the first winter postcard of the season. I’m going to see the world’s largest Christmas lights display this weekend! 🎄

Until next week, stay cozy.

With warmth and whimsy,

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