Summer Solstice Soirée

Steal my dinner party spread.

Hello! You’re reading Snuggery, a virtual postcard of cozy content capturing the fleeting beauty of the seasons. To join our cozy community, hit subscribe. Light a candle, grab a cuppa, and sit a spell. Stay awhile. ✉️

“One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well.”

– Virginia Woolf, A Room of One’s Own

🍑 from the hearth 🍑

Dear friend,

Happy summer solstice! As the sun lingers at its zenith today, I can’t help but feel grateful for all that she provides: warmth and life and so much light.

With the temperatures climbing higher, the craving for cold drinks and refreshing dishes intensifies. And what better way to celebrate the season than by feasting with family and friends?

I’ve been eager to host a dinner party for quite some time now—any excuse to conjure up a theme on Canva, really. From setting the table with mismatched china to crafting a menu that sings of summer’s bounty, the anticipation is half the fun.

While I won’t be hosting my dinner party until next weekend, I’ve already planned the perfect summer spread, filled with fresh fruit and veg.

Whether you’re planning an elaborate feast or a cozy gathering with pizza and prosecco, the summer solstice is the perfect time to embrace the warmth and optimism of the season.

So here’s to long, lazy days, delicious food, and even better company.

🌞 seasonal selections 🌞

  • Bruschetta is so lovely and light and one of my favorite snacks on the planet. To make it vegan, I just leave out the parmesan in this recipe.

  • I haven’t made this peach and quinoa summer salad yet, but it sounds beyond refreshing and I can’t wait to try! I’ll sub agave for the honey and likely grill the peaches.

  • This pasta primavera is a staple during the hotter months at my house. It’s heavenly and packed with summer veggies.

  • I can’t wait to try these no-bake cheesecake cups. I plan to serve them in teacups. 🫖

  • Palomas are so easy and perfect for summer; just ditch the tequila in this recipe for a mocktail version.

  • No party is complete without the perfect playlist, and this one checks all my summer boxes—upbeat, nostalgic, and eclectic.

🍊 spectacular vernacular 🍊

sundowner [suhn-dou-ner] (n.) • British

  1. an alcoholic beverage enjoyed after completing the day’s work, typically at sundown

Exhausted from a scorching day of seeding, the friends couldn’t wait to share a sundowner at the summer solstice soirée.

⛱️ cozy conversations ⛱️

Describe a dish that instantly makes you think of summer. What memories or traditions are tied to it?

Thanks for reading, and I do hope you have the snuggest of Thursdays. I’m looking forward to a low-key weekend relaxing poolside.

Until next time, stay cozy.

With warmth and whimsy,

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