A Gasparilla Greeting

Channeling my inner pirate.

Hello! You’re reading Snuggery, a virtual postcard of cozy content capturing the fleeting beauty of the seasons. To join our cozy community, hit subscribe. Light a candle, grab a cuppa, and sit a spell. Stay awhile. ✉️

“The sea speaks more honestly to those willing to drown.”

– Unknown

from the hearth 🤍

Ahoy matey,

As the January winds chill the shores here in Tampa, there’s a time-honored tradition that warms the hearts of locals and keeps the Winter Scaries at bay—a legendary affair known as Gasparilla. This vibrant parade—a true seafaring spectacle—enlivens the city with its electric charm.

Picture this: a flotilla of ships, bedecked with tattered sails and flowing flags, descends upon the city. The unmistakable echo of canon fire reverberates through the air, signaling the arrival of the infamous José Gaspar and his marauding crew.

Swashbucklers and scallywags alike eagerly await this annual invasion, transforming the waters into a playground of pirates. As Gasparilla unfolds, Bayshore Boulevard comes alive with the clinking of cutlasses, the swaying of pirate hats, and the spirited cheers of revelers.

It’s more than a celebration; it’s an outlandish escapade inviting all to embrace the daring spirit of Gasparilla’s maritime legends.

So, me hearties, allow this postcard to be your virtual escape, letting winter’s gusty winds guide you to adventure. Though the shores may be distant, the spirit of Gasparilla will warm your snowy sails.

☃️ seasonal selections ☃️

  • I recently stumbled upon Alela Diane and don’t know how I’ve survived this long without her music. It’s very psychedelic folk meets old-world charm, and The Pirate’s Gospel is perfect for this week’s theme.

  • Curious to learn more about the zany tapestry that is pirate lore, I just started The Pirate History Podcast. I’m only one episode in, but the tales of the men and women behind the golden age of piracy are fascinating.

  • I’m obsessed with this mesmerizing sea prayer, though I can’t find its author. It appears to have originated on Tumblr? If you’re familiar with its elusive origins, please share!

🌬 spectacular vernacular 🌬

hornswoggle [HORN-swah-gul] (v.) • English

  1. to bamboozle or hoax; to get the better of someone by deception, cheating, or trickery

Planning to hornswoggle the townspeople, Captain Jacquotte whispered a mischievous proposal to her first mate, sparking a cascade of laughter and sly nods among the pirate gang.

🌨 cozy conversations 🌨

It’s easy to get caught up in mundane cycles during winter. How do you infuse a sense of adventure and pirate-like mischief into your days? Share your secret schemes and daring deeds that keep the winter blues at bay.

Thanks for setting sail with Snuggery, and I do hope you have the snuggest of Thursdays. I’m working on my Gasparilla costume and will likely end up at the thrifts for additional accessories.

Until next week, stay cozy.

With warmth and whimsy,

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