Nestled in Nostalgia

Autumn bucket list and lots of reader recs.

Hello! You’re reading Snuggery, a virtual postcard of cozy content capturing the fleeting beauty of the seasons. To join our cozy community, hit subscribe. Light a candle, grab a cuppa, and sit a spell. Stay awhile. ✉️

“And all the lives we ever lived and all the lives to be are full of trees and changing leaves.”

Virginia Woolf, To the Lighthouse

🪵 From the Hearth 🪵

Dearest reader,

Oh, happy October!

This is my second favorite month, trailing only behind November, the month that marks my entrance into this world. Throughout October, we carve pumpkins, play dress-up, and jump in piles of delightfully crunchy leaves (if you’re fortunate enough to have them, that is). It’s a season brimming with bewitchment and childlike merriment. Yet, I often find myself enveloped in a nostalgic haze throughout this month…

You see, if you were to have a conversation with my friends or family members, they would likely tell you that I am nostalgic by nature. I hoard love letters, memories, books, and any scrap of sentimentality that crosses my path.

My tendency toward nostalgia is one of the driving forces behind the creation of this postcard. Like me, the postcard is inherently nostalgic. It exists simultaneously as a piece of the past and a fragment of the future—a relic of another time yet a glimpse of what’s to come. Even in its conception, the postcard has already become a sort of timestamp. (And speaking of timestamp, I’ve been pondering on the peculiarity of that word and the permanent, almost eerie imagery that it conjures.)

So, in the name of nostalgia, I’ve curated an autumn-themed bucket list. It’s filled with activities that I hold near and dear to my heart, ones that evoke memories of the autumns of my childhood.

To add an extra layer of excitement, I’ve decided to host a contest of sorts. The first person to complete all the items on the bucket list (accompanied by photographic evidence) before Thanksgiving Day (the point in which this postcard transforms from an autumn oasis into a winter wonderland) will receive a tangible, handwritten postcard from yours truly.

Let the fall festivities commence, and remember to savor each and every moment, for one day, they too will become postcards of the past.

Sorry if it’s a bit blurry! If you prefer a numbered list, just let me know. 🤎

🍂 Seasonal Selections 🍂

  • A reader shared an autumnal book recommendation, and when I saw the cover, I couldn’t resist buying it (yes, I very much do judge books by their covers). Hayley wrote, “I totally recommend the Shady Hollow series by Juneau Black for a cozy book read. A murder mystery in a small, delightful town where woodland animals (usually) live in harmony.” I’ve only just started it, but I’m already utterly enchanted. Fun fact: Juneau Black is the pen name for two authors, Jocelyn Cole and Sharon Nagel, which is badass. You can learn more about them at the bottom of the linked page.

  • I’m currently recovering from a (very minor) cold, so this yoga for sick recovery has been incredibly restorative. For those recuperating from worse illnesses, I imagine the practice is even more healing. (Side note: Adriene’s outfit is giving me creepy Victorian doll vibes, and as someone who owns a handful of Victorian-style dresses myself, I’m here for it.)

  • Reader Therese sent me this mesmerizing music video by Canadian band Austra last week, and I am now enthralled by their work. In Therese’s words, “Their video for Spellwork combines witchy themes, woods, and early autumn leaves.” Very Little Red Riding Hood meets Midsommar, if you ask me.

  • These lil’ DIY ghosts are oh-so cute and make for the perfect weekend project.

☕️ What’s Been Brewing ☕️

  • I onboarded a new client this week, so I haven’t had much time to write for fun. Since I had such a wonderful response to last week’s postcard, however, I figured it would be delightful to share a particularly beautiful response below! I hope you enjoy reading this autumnal answer as much as I did. (And if you’ve sent me a note that isn’t featured today, don’t fret! I’ll showcase your letter in the postcard soon.)

“This autumn, the things that have been making me truly feel cozy have been how I spend my evenings. After my workday comes to an end, I have been making a point to savor any moment when the sunset is particularly thrilling. I’ve found an entrance to the forest preserve close to my home where the deer families seem to congregate! Watching them crunch acorns, and juvenile deer get ‘the zoomies’ has been something I’ve really taken pleasure in as autumn has begun to settle in. The sound that the first batch of fallen leaves make as they’re rushed by the wind is familiar and comforting. The cooler, rainy days and change in the balance of sunlight and darkness signals my body to slow down and enjoy this fleeting season!”

Oh, how I long to be seated at the forest’s entrance, listening to the soothing sounds of autumn while witnessing deer zoomies. Thank you so much for sharing your heartwarming note, Kathleen!

📙 Spectacular Vernacular 📙

Sillage [se-aZH] (n.)

  1. the lingering trace of perfume left behind after one has departed; the lasting impression one leaves after they have gone

Captivated by the lingering, smoky scent of the stranger’s perfume, the man became consumed by the desire to find the curious woman from the cafe.

🤎 Cozy Conversations 🤎

Do you have a most beloved autumn memory? Where were you? Who were you with? Share your favorite fall moment with us by responding to this postcard, and you might find yourself featured in next week’s letter.

A Reader’s Autumn Activity:

“Wanted to reply and say that my girlfriend and I went to a soup party on the day of the fall equinox! We brought caprese that looked like mushrooms and watched over the garden wall! Such a cute and cozy fall activity :)”

Thanks for sharing, Taylor! A soup party sounds like the epitome of coziness, and I’m certainly taking notes.

Thanks for reading, and I do hope you have the snuggest of Thursdays.

I’m all set to whip up a batch of sweet treats (I’m thinking pumpkin spice snickerdoodles?!) and bask in some peace and quiet this weekend.

Until next week, stay snug.

With warmth and whimsy,

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