Lessons from Water

Learning to love my contradictions.

Hello! You’re reading Snuggery, a virtual postcard of cozy content capturing the fleeting beauty of the seasons. To join our cozy community, hit subscribe. Light a candle, grab a cuppa, and sit a spell. Stay awhile. ✉️

“My heart wants roots. My mind wants wings. I cannot bear their bickerings.”

– E.Y. Harburg

🩵 from the hearth 🩵

Dear friend,

I have always been deeply drawn to water.

It is all at once gentle and fierce, angry and calm. It is the picture of peace and yet the harbinger of chaos. It sustains life but can just as easily take it away. It is a rolling body of paradoxes.

Perhaps it’s these paradoxes that enthrall me so—they resonate with my own nature.

I love Florida’s wild beauty but despise its stifling heat.

I dream of growing my own food on a quiet country homestead, yet I also long to write for Harper’s BAZAAR from a high-rise in New York City.

I cherish the company of others but often prefer the solace of solitude.

I am both vulnerable and reserved, deeply sensitive yet occasionally shallow. I am grounded but restless, a sometimes-cynic brimming with so many dreams.

Like water, I too am a single body filled with countless contradictions.

This week, let us draw inspiration from water, embracing our own contradictions and finding harmony in the ebb and flow of our inner currents.

🌞 seasonal selections 🌞

  • Set on a remote island surrounded by the sea, Virginia Woolf’s To The Lighthouse is a profound exploration of family, time, and the ever-changing nature of life. It is rich with complex characters, each marked by their own flaws and contradictions.

  • I’m extremely obsessed with this (sold out😭) Eda Yorulmazoğlu Ruffle Delight set. Its design is so reminiscent of waves! 🌊🩵

  • I love Gwen van Knippenberg’s work oh so much, and her magical waterlily painting evokes childhood memories and aligns perfectly with this week’s theme. :’) (If you’re interested in purchasing a print, Gwen’s Etsy shop is closed for the month but will reopen in September.)

🍊 spectacular vernacular 🍊

Spindrift [spind-drift] (n.) • Middle English

  1. the fine spray or mist of water that is blown from the surface of the sea during a gale

    *Spoondrift is a rare, alternate (and adorable) form of this word.

The ship cut savagely through the waves, leaving a trail of spindrift that was swept away by the storm.

⛱️ cozy conversations ⛱️

In what ways do you see contradictions playing out in your life? Reflect on how seemingly opposing aspects of yourself coexist and how you have learned to live with the tension between them.

Thanks for reading, and I do hope you have the snuggest of Thursdays. We’re having a pool party to celebrate my sister’s birthday this weekend. <3

Until next time, stay cozy.

With warmth and whimsy,

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