Leaping Into Spring

Bidding winter farewell.

Hello! You’re reading Snuggery, a virtual postcard of cozy content capturing the fleeting beauty of the seasons. To join our cozy community, hit subscribe. Light a candle, grab a cuppa, and sit a spell. Stay awhile. ✉️

“If you look the right way, you can see that the whole world is a garden.”

– Frances Hodges Burnett, The Secret Garden

🤍 from the hearth 🤍

Dear friend,

Happy Leap Day! While our cozy postcard hasn’t quite transformed into a springtime sanctuary (hang tight for next week!), today’s theme is one of transition and anticipation.

As I contemplate the rarity of Leap Year, I’m struck by the peculiarity of time and the strange beauty of this additional day. It stands as a symbol of time’s fluidity, gently reminding me that while my clocks may tick away, nature and its creatures are not bound by such constraints. How foolish it is to try to confine something as boundless as time!

At this moment (for this moment is all I have), I’m choosing to liberate myself from the shackles of time, embracing the freedom that comes with realizing the ultimate meaninglessness of its ticking hands.

So, let’s make the most of this bonus day. Let’s seize the opportunity to reflect on where we’ve been and where we’re headed, all while staying rooted in the present moment.

And as we leap forward into the unknown, let’s do so with a sense of wonder and excitement for the journey ahead, cherishing every strange step along the way.

☃️ seasonal selections ☃️

  • Today’s photo reminded me so much of the dancing flower pot my grandparents had when I was a child, and I was able to find a video of the same one they had. I hope this brings back lovely memories for somebody else, too. :’)

  • No Leap Day newsletter would be complete without a nod to Leap Year starring Amy Adams. I’m a sucker for a good rom-com, and a surly Irishman + an uptight American woman is the perfect recipe for a good movie night.

  • And when it comes to contemplating time, Mr. Nobody is a must-watch. Another personal fav, it’s a poignant exploration of the complexities of choice and the paths we take—or don’t take—in life.

  • I’m currently on a mission for ultra-defined abs lol, so I’ve been focusing on upping my protein intake. This Spring Salad with Lemon Baked Tofu is not only a delightful ode to the coming season but also packs a punch of protein. I like to add chickpeas to push it over the edge.

  • If you haven’t read The Secret Garden, you’re truly missing out. It’s a timeless classic that celebrates the rejuvenating power of nature and the awakening of spring.

🌬 spectacular vernacular 🌬

zephyrous [ZEH-fuh-russ] (adj.) • Greek

  1. relating to or resembling a gentle, mild, and refreshing breeze, particularly associated with the arrival of spring

As the little boy stepped outside on Leap Day, he was greeted by the zephyrous caress of the breeze, signaling the arrival of spring.

🌨 cozy conversations 🌨

What are you most excited about as winter gives way to spring? Share your hopes and aspirations for the approaching season.

Thanks for reading and I do hope you have the snuggest of Thursdays. This Saturday, I’m off to the beach for the first time since summer—Yippee!

Until next week, stay cozy.

With warmth and whimsy,

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