The Hilarity of Halloween

Coming alive with childlike joy.

Hello! You’re reading Snuggery, a virtual postcard of cozy content capturing the fleeting beauty of the seasons. To join our cozy community, hit subscribe. Light a candle, grab a cuppa, and sit a spell. Stay awhile. ✉️

“By the pricking of my thumbs, / Something wicked this way comes.”

– Shakespeare, Macbeth

🪵 From the Hearth 🪵

Dear friend,

In my opinion, what is most magical about Halloween is not the excuse to eat an absurd amount of candy or dress up as my favorite mythical creature. Though I love partaking in both of those activities just as much as the next gal, my favorite aspect of the holiday is its ability to fill adults with a sense of absurdity and childlike wonder.

Sure, we might trade in trick or treating for partying and replace candy with booze, but no matter how old I get and no matter how much seems to change around me, there is one constant that never seems to falter: the hilarity that permeates the air on the eve of October thirty-first.

Each Halloween, I look to my peers and see the same giddy excitement and anticipation that I see plastered on the faces of children. I laugh at my friends’ ridiculous costumes, skip along sidewalks lined with scarecrows, and marvel at the guileless beauty that each October brings.

I think we need this—this one night to be outrageous again, to let go of all inhibitions and just be. We need this reminder that, no matter how serious we pretend to be, inside all of us lives a wacky, wild child just waiting to be released. This year, let her run free.

🍁 photo courtesy of lovely reader, Stephanie 🍁

🍂 Seasonal Selections 🍂

  • I made this Halloween-themed playlist last year. Turn it on if you’re hosting a spooky party or carving pumpkins late at night.

  • Something about Halloween puts me in the mood to read Sylvia Plath. I guess she was a pretty spooky lil’ lady. I found this podcast about her tendencies toward the occult, and while I’m not quite finished listening, I’m loving it so far.

  • My sister and I whipped up some alcoholic butterbeer last weekend, and it was way better than I imagined it would be. Our subs: NSA cream soda, dairy-free heavy whipping cream, and coco whip in place of marshmallow fluff.

  • My boyfriend and I swear by our homemade chili. We follow this recipe very loosely, but I think its magic lies in the fact that we kind of just throw ingredients that sound good into the pot, making it slightly different each time it begins to boil.

✏️ spooky, spectacular artwork courtesy of reader @watchmecrumble ✏️

☕️ What’s Been Brewing ☕️

  • I’ve shared this poem before, but it’s quite spooky, and perfect for Halloween.

📙 Spectacular Vernacular 📙

Eldritch [el-dritch] (adj.)

  1. ghostly, strange, or sinister

As I ventured deeper into the wood, I began to grow uneasy, for there was an eldritch chill in the air that caused my bones to clatter.

🤎 Creepy Conversations 🤎

What’s the most frightening thing that’s ever happened to you? Share your stories, and you just might be featured in next week’s postcard.

A Reader’s Seasonal Joys:

“I look forward to my pumpkin spice coffee, staring out my kitchen window at the puddles and leaves, and reading your latest postcard.”

What a magical series of moments. Thank you so much Stephanie! :’)

Thanks for reading, and I do hope you have the happiest of Halloweens.

I’m headed to a costumed bar crawl this Saturday, so send good thoughts to my liver.

Until next week, stay cozy.

With warmth and whimsy,

P.S. It’s come to my attention that the postcard may have been a bit wonky for some viewers last week. I apologize! My laptop and brain are getting old…

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