Driver's High Diaries

Not the high you're thinking of.

Hello! You’re reading Snuggery, a virtual postcard of cozy content capturing the fleeting beauty of the seasons. To join our cozy community, hit subscribe. Light a candle, grab a cuppa, and sit a spell. Stay awhile. ✉️

“Nothing behind me, everything ahead of me, as is ever so on the road.”

– Jack Kerouac, On the Road

💛 from the hearth 💛

Dear friend,

I love being in the car. Though I may not always command the driver’s seat, when I do get behind the wheel, it’s a spectacle to behold—and I’m not just referring to my terrible driving skills.

In those moments in my car, I am entirely me. I sing at the top of my lungs, talk to myself, and giggle aloud.

And that’s why the onset of spring holds a special place in my heart. It heralds the return of one of my favorite phenomena of all time: ‘driver’s high.’

What’s driver’s high, you ask? (And no, it’s not driving while high.)

Driver’s high is that exhilarating drive on the first spectacular, sun-drenched day of spring. It’s cranking up your favorite playlist—that one you can’t help but shout the lyrics to, even if you’re a bit off-key—while cruising fast, windows down.

It’s oversized sunglasses and airy scarves dancing in the breeze. It’s the sun on your face and the wind in your hair and sharing knowing glances with other drivers basking in that same euphoria.

It’s the tunnel drive in The Perks of Being a Wallflower; it’s the windblown hair in Almost Famous.

Driver’s high imbues you with a sense of giddy elation, even after the trip has come to an end.

As we embark on this inaugural springtime edition of Snuggery, I invite you to join me in embracing the spirit of driver’s high. Together, let’s savor the simple pleasure of being behind the wheel.

Now, let’s get high on drivin’!

🐝 seasonal selections 🐝

  • I couldn’t write a driver’s high postcard without sharing my go-to cruisin’ playlist. If you grew up in the aughts listening to lots of alternative/indie hip hop/pop, you’ll find it especially delightful (there are a couple of oldies and some newer hits in there, too). I add new songs weekly.

  • Oh, what I would give to be listening to the cruisin’ playlist, at the beginning of spring, in Lola le Pink Figaro

  • This psychedelic art print has been in my Etsy cart for months, and I think this week’s theme was the sign I needed to finally pull the purchase trigger.

  • If you live in the US and you’re looking to hit the road, make sure you check out these bizarre traffic laws before you get behind the wheel.

🐣 spectacular vernacular 🐣

ludic [loo-dik] (adj.) • Latin

  1. showing spontaneous and undirected playfulness

As she drove with the windows down on the first sunny day of spring, she embraced the ludic spirit of the moment, feeling a sense of joy and freedom as she navigated the open road.

🌼 cozy conversations 🌼

What’s your favorite ‘driver’s high’ memory? When have you felt most free on the road?

A Reader’s Spring Reflection

“I’m looking forward to prepping my yard for new plant starts and shrubs! Time is indeed fleeting, and while snow has yet to fully give way where I live, there are small buds forming in spite of the chill. They’re only like this for a moment, and I’m appreciating this stage of growth while I can — After a long winter, it’s my reminder that there is a thaw coming, and the resilience of these new budding plants inspires me.” Such a lovely sentiment, Steph! Thank you for sharing. :’)

Thanks for reading and I do hope you have the snuggest of Fridays (sorry for the late postcard again; this might evolve into a Thursday/Friday newsletter). I just picked up my parents from the airport. They’re visiting for the week, so we’ll be partaking in lots of springtime activities, including Strawberry Fest!

Until next week, stay cozy.

With warmth and whimsy,

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