Out with the Old

...in with the soul.

Hello! You’re reading Snuggery, a virtual postcard of cozy content capturing the fleeting beauty of the seasons. To join our cozy community, hit subscribe. Light a candle, grab a cuppa, and sit a spell. Stay awhile. ✉️

“If people did not love one another, I really don’t see what use there would be in having any spring.”

– Victor Hugo, Les Misérables

💛 from the hearth 💛

Dear friend,

While I’m certainly no minimalist, I do firmly believe in the transformative power of keeping a tidy home (or whatever it is that Marie Kondo said).

As someone who works from home, I notice a huge positive impact on my productivity and happiness levels when everything is in its place, rather than strewn about and in a state of disarray.

The process of cleaning itself is almost meditative, a mindful practice where each swipe of the cloth or sweep of the broom anchors me in the present moment. It’s about more than just tidying up; it’s about creating a space that nurtures and inspires.

And when I tidy up my quarters, that same sense of order and renewal spills out into other areas of my life, too. The physical act of cleaning has a way of clearing out mental cobwebs, creating a serene headspace where thoughts flow and ideas flourish freely.

When we wack our own weeds, we have more room to help others blossom. And what are we on this earth for, if not to help one another blossom and become—to sprout up gloriously into the radiant beings we were destined to be?

(Oh, and my email is finally fixed, so I’ll be responding to everyone who’s sent me messages over the next week or so! <3)

🐝 seasonal selections 🐝

  • If you’re not turning spring cleaning into a dance party, you’re doing it wrong. Here’s a vintage spring playlist I’ve been lovin’ lately.

  • I’ll admit it: My favorite part of cleaning is being finished. I recently made this lavender simmer pot, perfect to enjoy after a long day of tidying up. So simple and cheap, it lingered for a while without being overbearing.

  • Feeling overwhelmed about tackling your chores? Here’s a spring cleaning checklist to get you goin’. Start with one room and then move on to the next at your own pace, or save it for another day.

🐣 spectacular vernacular 🐣

ablution [uh-BLOO-shun] (n.) • Latin

  1. the act of washing oneself, often done as a ritual of purification; a sort of baptism

When at last he finished his spring chores, the old man experienced a profound ablution, as if born anew.

🌼 cozy conversations 🌼

What’s one area of your life or home you’d like to refresh this spring? Start this weekend—no time like the present!

Thanks for reading, and I do hope you have the snuggest of Thursdays. I’m nursing a pretty gnarly sunburn, so I’ll probably spend the majority of my weekend indoors. 😭

Until next week, stay cozy.

With warmth and whimsy,

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This little newsletter is a one-woman operation, and I’m on a genuine mission to make the world a kinder, cozier, and more creative place. Here are a few ways you can support me and the postcard.

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