The Alchemy of Awakening

The breeze is beckoning... Will you answer the call?

Hello! You’re reading Snuggery, a virtual postcard of cozy content capturing the fleeting beauty of the seasons. To join our cozy community, hit subscribe. Light a candle, grab a cuppa, and sit a spell. Stay awhile. ✉️

“I bequeath myself to the dirt to grow from the grass I love, / If you want me again look for me under your boot-soles.”

– Walt Whitman, “Song of Myself, 52,” Leaves of Grass

💛 from the hearth 💛

Dear friend,

Spring is the season of awakening and renewal, both outside in nature and inside ourselves.

As the world around us fully emerges from its winter slumber, it invites us once again to awaken with it—to become attuned to new possibilities, to embrace change, and to reconnect with our inner selves.

The fresh breeze, dancing leaves, and gentle warmth of the sun beckon us all to open our minds and hearts to the wonders of this wacky, whimsical world.

It’s a time of growth and spiritual awakening, where every dewdrop, every bee buzz, every blooming bud invites us to rediscover the magic of being alive—of being fully present in the here and now.

Today, let’s shed our old skins and awaken the poets, the artists, the dreamers within. Today, let’s uncover the simple joys that surround us, ever-present yet too often overlooked.

🐝 seasonal selections 🐝

  • Alexis Rakun’s art beautifully captures the essence of spring, embodying themes of rebirth and awakening. My favorite is this enchanting tree print.

  • While I’m no fascist, I do firmly believe that everyone should have a copy of Leaves of Grass on their person at all times. (I’m only sort of kidding.) The enduring collection of poems delves deeply into themes of unity, renewal, growth, and nature, making it a perfect companion for anyone looking to connect with the spirit of spring and embrace the transformative power of the season. If you’re in the market, this edition is precious.

  • I only cried a few times when listening to this Akira the Don album for the first time the other day. Infused with Alan Watts’ luscious voice and soul-stirring sentiments, listening to it transports you beyond the confines of the physical world.

🐣 spectacular vernacular 🐣

palingenesis [pal-in-JEN-uh-sis] (n.) • Greek

  1. a rebirth or re-creation; a doctrine of rebirth or regeneration, especially in a spiritual or philosophical context

In the embrace of spring, nature whispers tales of palingenesis, where every bud and bloom sings a song of rebirth, stirring dreams long dormant.

🌼 cozy conversations 🌼

As spring awakens the world around us, how do you nurture your own inner awakening? Whether it’s through journaling, taking a trip, meditation, creating, or spending time in nature, I’d love to hear about the practices that help you reconnect with yourself, and the spirit of spring. 🌱

Thanks for reading, and I do hope you have the snuggest of Thursdays. I’m goin’ on a lil’ trip this weekend… 🍄 👁️ 🚌

Until next week, stay cozy.

With warmth and whimsy,

P.S. My email is still down! I’ve got a team (yes, a whole team) working on it, so fingers crossed it’ll be back up and running by this time next week. 😭

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This little newsletter is a one-woman operation, and I’m on a genuine mission to make the world a kinder, cozier, and more creative place. Here are a few ways you can support me and the postcard.

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