Autumn's Gentle Lessons

Learning patience & embracing non-doing.

Hello! You’re reading Snuggery, a virtual postcard of cozy content capturing the fleeting beauty of the seasons. To join our cozy community, hit subscribe. Light a candle, grab a cuppa, and sit a spell. Stay awhile. ✉️

“Even if something is left undone, everyone must take time to sit still and watch the leaves turn.”

Elizabeth Lawrence

🪵 From the Hearth 🪵

Dear friend,

As I sit penning this postcard, the comforting warmth of a marshmallow latte tickles my tastebuds. The distant rumble of an approaching storm serves as a soothing background symphony, and a drowsy dog nestled beside me fills my soul with a stupid sort of splendor.

These past few days in Florida have been nothing short of serendipitous. A brief drop in temperature kissed my skin with the sixties, and for a precious few hours, a crispness waltzed through the air.

I admit, over these past few weeks, I’ve allowed myself to become identified with emotions—to grow entangled in feelings of frustration brought on by the unrelenting heat—rather than to treat those emotions as the transient passengers that they are. I let my thoughts wander into the future instead of savoring the deliciousness of the here and now.

But when I finally decided to bid those emotions adieu, Autumn began creeping in through the cracks, reminding me that what we desire will find its way to us if we make room for its arrival. I invited Autumn in and here she is, not because I possess the power to summon her, but because I started to perceive the world beyond my own fragile sense of self.

The moment I stopped desperately searching for Autumn was the moment she tiptoed into my life. It was only when I freed myself of the turmoil of impatience that I began to notice the beauty that had been patiently waiting for me all along—the apple cider doughnut at the local bakery, the graceful migration of birds, the speckle of pumpkins adorning every other porch…

These seasonal souvenirs have now become all the more sacred because, for a brief moment, I feared they might never come knocking at all. Instead, Autumn herself has hand-delivered these little gifts directly to my doorstep, as if she is rewarding me for my (not-so-patient) wait.

Keep your eyes peeled and your heart open, for sometimes, the most hallowed moments in life are those that we almost miss.

🍂 Seasonal Selections 🍂

  • This is eerily accurate?

  • Chances are, you’ve come across Anna-Laura’s endearing, soul-stirring comic art floating around on the internet. While her work always hits the mark, this particular piece stands as my all-time favorite.

  • Oh, to be curled up in the pumpkin chair with a good book and a soft cat. If this is AI-generated, please keep it to yourself; I’d rather maintain my blissful ignorance, holding onto the hope that I might one day stumble upon it.

☕️ What’s Been Brewing ☕️

  • If you haven’t delved into my story all about the time I spent 14 hours on a Greyhound bus, today is as good a time as ever to give it a read. It’s perfectly aligned with this week’s be-here-now theme, serving as a gentle reminder that there is magic even in the mundane—hell, even sometimes in the miserable.

📙 Spectacular Vernacular 📙

Boketto [bo-ke-to] (v.)

  1. a Japanese word describing the act of gazing vacantly into the distance, mind devoid of thought; a meditative trance of non-doing

Spellbound by the world beyond the window, I sat staring for an immeasurable amount of time, lost in a state of boketto.

🤎 Cozy Conversations 🤎

How do you embrace a slower pace during the autumn months? What are your secrets for savoring the present moment? Share some suggestions, and you just might be featured in next week’s postcard.

A Reader’s Book Recommendation:

“I think The Hobbit is a great book to read every autumn. The coziest, most magical read! The Fablehaven series is a middle-grade fantasy series, but insanely cozy and comfy. Highly recommend!”

I wholeheartedly agree, Amelia! The Hobbit is a splendid choice, and I can’t wait to dive into The Fablehaven soon.

Thanks for reading, and I do hope you have the snuggest of Thursdays.

As for me, I’m heading to a fall festival this Saturday and I couldn’t be more jazzed.

Until next week, stay cozy.

With warmth and whimsy,

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